Saturday, July 14, 2012

Paper eyelashes...hum...

How cool are these!?

 Definitely would have to have somewhere to go to put these on - as the ladies at the grocery store might think I went off my rocker if I had these on!  But, oh they would be so fun!

Would love to get a Sihoutte cutting machine and could possible just make some, but how to get them to curl??  (wrap around a pencil or pen perhaps??)

Their website says they were seen in the movie The Hunger Games.  I'm guessing Effie Trinket work them.


Paper Eyelashes - Deer and Butterfly (regular)

small peoniessmall peacockponies
         Peacock                                           Horse                                                  Peony

These come from out of the UK.
They cost around $12.50 for the small ones and $15.00 for the full eye.  Not including shipping.           

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