Here is yet one more way the government is trying to take away our rights.
You may not be a breeder or own several dogs, but if they get this passed, they won't stop. Next they will start to limit how many horses, chickens, cows, cats, lizards (you get the point), that you can own.If HUSA is really wanting to help this situation they would be trying to help fund the States in providing more inspectors and not letting people treat their dogs terrible!
What they are doing is using a select few bad apples to insinuate that all breeders treat their dogs as a "puppy mill".
Unfortunatully this is just another ploy by HUSA (Humane Society) to get the public sympathy and more money for their "non-profit" cause!
I'll hunt and eat meat to my hearts content! Vegans - you've been warned!! :)
Here is the article copied in full from the website of:
US Sportsmen Alliance
“Puppy Mill” Mania Ensnares Sporting Dog Breeders
Sportsmen Action Needed in Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, and Nebraska1/29/09
One of the newest, and most insidious, tactics used by the anti-hunting movement in its war on our heritage involves the regulation of so-called “puppy mills.” Right now, major efforts are underway to pass legislation mandating extremely onerous regulations on all dog kennels in numerous states throughout the nation. Sportsmen must oppose these efforts.
The USSA has been busy sending state action alerts to sportsmen in Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, and Nebraska in an effort to oppose this growing movement. If these bills pass, legitimate sporting dog kennels could easily find themselves out of business in those states. Also, it is practically guaranteed that this mania won’t stop there.
Lumping sporting dog breeders into the whole debate over “puppy mills” is a sly way of attacking the entire foundation of breeding sporting dogs. Anti-hunting groups like the Humane Society of the United States understand this very well, which is why they are always speaking up and pushing as broad a piece of legislation as they can in every state.
Take Action! Sportsmen in these states must contact their state legislators today. Urge them to oppose the following measures and ask that before any legislation is passed they ensure it includes protections for sporting dog kennels.
In Colorado, HB 1172 sponsored by Representative Beth McCann (D- Denver), currently in the House Agriculture, Livestock, & Natural Resources Committee
In Illinois, HB 198 sponsored by Representative John Fritchey (D- Chicago), currently in the House Rules Committee
In Minnesota, Senate File 7 sponsored by Senator Don Betzold (DFL- Dist 51), currently in the Senate Agriculture and Veterans Committee.
In Minnesota, Senate File 201 sponsored by Senator Steve Dille (R- Dist 18), currently in the Senate Agriculture and Veterans Committee
In Nebraska, LB 241 sponsored by Senator Rich Pahls (Dist- 31), currently in the Agriculture Committee
To learn more details about the individual bills in each state, please click on the following links: Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, and Nebraska.
Remember, all sportsmen should get into the action. While a legislator in one state only cares about their own constituents, you can still play a key role by alerting fellow sportsmen you know in those states about these atrocious bills. Also, by passing the word along, you’ll help keep everyone vigilant and on the look out for similar legislation in their own states.
(the bolding of the last paragraph was done my The Mechanic's Wife)
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