Don't let this happen!!
Please call or send an e-mail against it! Here is a link Legislative Action Center to check out your Legislators and PLEASE call or send them e-mails against this!
Even if you don't live in one of these states - it will eventually affect you! This is very serious and if you value your hunting rights in any way, please help say "NO" to these bills.
If you do not live in these states, please pass this information along to other as it will be coming to a state near you!
Colorado Sportsmen Should Oppose "Puppy Mill" Bill
Immediate Action Needed
New legislation in Colorado aimed at cracking down on “puppy mills” has been introduced that would severely damage if not destroy sporting dog kennels. Sportsmen and sporting dog owners are urged to oppose this bill.
Like many “puppy mill” bills the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance (USSA) has seen emerge recently, House Bill 1172 treats all dog breeders with the same iron fist. By imposing an arbitrary cap on the number of unsterilized dogs (25) that can be kept, this bill misses the idea that many sportsmen and sporting dog kennels prefer to keep their dogs intact for hunting or field trialing.
While the proponents of these types of legislation claim these measures are aimed at “puppy mills” – large scale commercial breeding operations that operate solely to sell dogs – limiting the number of dogs housed in turn hurts sporting dog kennels and other hobby breeders such as show dog enthusiasts. If they truly wanted to target the abusive commercial breeding operations they would set their sights on the numbers of dogs sold each year, not on the private kennels that might occasionally sell or transfer a dog.
“This bill is a one-size-fits-all approach. It treats a private kennel that sells or transfers a few dogs the same as a commercial operation that sells 500 dogs a year, said Rob Sexton, vice president of government affairs for the USSA. “These provisions will absolutely kill sporting dog breeders in Colorado.” Additionally, the bill requires that each dog be annually certified by a veterinarian that they are in “suitable health” to breed. This would significantly increase the financial burden placed on kennel owners, many of who never sell dogs. “Provisions such as this make sportsmen wonder if the true intent of this legislation is not to price sporting dog breeders completely out of existence. Sportsmen are getting nailed for the bad actions of abusive commercial breeders,” said Sexton. Colorado sportsmen need to contact their state representatives to let them know that when dealing with “puppy mills,” there needs to be protections for honest sporting dog kennels to ensure their continued existence. Take Action! Colorado sportsmen must contact their state representatives today. Urge them to oppose this measure and ask that before any legislation is passed they ensure it includes protections for sporting dog kennels. To find your state representative’s phone number, please use the Legislative Action Center. For more information regarding the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alert Network, call 614-888-4868, or email Greg R. Lawson, director of communications at or Sharon Hayden, assistant director of communications at